Protection of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Interconnects

The ChromLok process provides long term protection from chromium emission

fuelcellmaterials’ innovative ChromLokTM system provides metallic components used in solid-oxide fuel cell systems with the high-temperature protection they need. The ChromLokTM system includes a range of complementary oxide coatings that prevent the release of detrimental chromium species from stainless steels during high temperature operation. Coatings include a manganese cobaltite (MCO) coating, which combines excellent protection with low resistance, ideal for the cathode active-area where electrical conductivity is critical. Additional coatings include non-active, insulating coatings compatible with common seal materials and a Ni-based anode side coating.

To Learn More About How Our Coatings Can Impact Your Product, Contact Our Coatings Specialists

Excellent long term stability for over 50,000 hours demonstrated

Electrical ASR performance of MCO coated ferritic stainless steel

Substrate: AL 441-HP Temperature: 800 °C – 900 °C
Gas composition: humidified air (~ 3 % H2O) Current density:  0.5 A/cm2

ChromLok Microstructure

                       After Deposition                                                  800 hrs 800º C                                      >7000 hrs 800ºC/900ºC

                            Top Down MCO Coating                                                                     Cross Section MCO Coating 

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