Visit Nexceris at the European Fuel Cell Forum July 5-8 Lucerne
Nexceris, through its fuelcellmaterials group, will be attending the European SOFC and SOE Forum (EFCF) in Lucerne, Switzerland, from July 5-8, 2022.
Nexceris, through its fuelcellmaterials group, will be attending the European SOFC and SOE Forum (EFCF) in Lucerne, Switzerland, from July 5-8, 2022.
Nexceris is excited to be presenting at The Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory’s 22nd Annual Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Project Review Meeting being held on November 16-18, 2021.
The Hydrogen Shot is part of a larger DOE Energy Earthshots Initiative aimed to accelerate breakthroughs of more abundant, affordable, and reliable clean energy solutions in this decade. Nexceris’ own Scott Swartz, Chief Technology Officer, was a panelist of a breakout session on High Temperature (Solid Oxide) Electrolysis.
Nexceris is excited to deliver Solid Oxide Stacks and RSOC technologies presentations at the 17th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVII), which will take place digitally from July 18-23, 2021.
Nexceris recently participated in the virtual ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit and was able to connect with many energy industry experts by describing their Phase II project aimed at a solid oxide fuel cell based hybrid power system.
Using the LEVER process, Nexceris used our materials science expertise to help a developer of world-class battery materials to re-engineer a lab process for added economics and safety.
Using the LEVER process, Nexceris used our materials science expertise to help a developer of world-class battery materials to re-engineer a lab process for added economics and safety.
Using the LEVER process allowed Nexceris to help our client move quickly through their commercialization plans and get products into their customers’ hands faster.
The LEVER process utilizes our partners’ technology and Nexceris’ expertise to allow for faster advancement to commercialization.