23rd Annual Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Project Review Meeting

Nexceris is proud to announce their participation in the 23rd Annual Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Project Review Meeting on October 25-27, 2022, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Nexceris attends this conference every year to update the DOE and those in the industry about the development projects funded by this agency.
Low-Cost Manufacturing of High Temperature Electrolysis Stacks

Dr. Scott Swartz, Nexceris’ Founder and CTO, presented an update on the Low-Cost Manufacturing of High Temperature Electrolysis Stacks at the DOE Hydrogen Program: 2022 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting held on June 6-8, 2022.
Hybrid SOFC/Turbine Power System

Nexceris and the project team are designing, building, and will demonstrate an ultra-high efficiency hybrid power system. This system is based on Nexceris’ pressure tolerant and high efficiency solid oxide fuel cell stack and a gas turbine.
National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day

Everyone at Nexceris is extremely excited for October 8, 2022, because it happens to be National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day.
Nexceris Announces the Launch of Adena Power

Nexceris is excited to announce the launch of a new business, Adena Power, to support the commercialization of a sodium-solid state battery system.
Advanced Coatings to Enhance the Durability of SOEC Stacks

Sergio Ibanez, a Senior Process Engineer at Nexceris, presented an update on Advanced Coatings to Enhance the Durability of SOEC Stacks at the DOE Hydrogen Program: 2022 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting.
Shift from R&D to Commercialization

Commercial fuel cell and hydrogen projects are becoming more prevalent across the globe and Nexceris is leading the way.
Nexceris Named 2022 Smart 50 Awards Honoree

We would like to congratulate Kyle Shen, President and CEO of Nexceris, for being nominated as a 2022 Smart 50 Awards Honoree in the area of Innovation.
Visit Nexceris at the European Fuel Cell Forum July 5-8 Lucerne

Nexceris, through its fuelcellmaterials group, will be attending the European SOFC and SOE Forum (EFCF) in Lucerne, Switzerland, from July 5-8, 2022.